Online Counselling After Infidelity
A Way Through After an Affair
‘Cheating’ can occur in many forms
Most people define infidelity as sex with someone outside of a committed relationship or marriage.
An affair or ‘cheating’ as it is often called, can also involve an emotional intimacy outside of a relationship. It’s not always all about sex.
For many, a betrayal of trust such as secret communications via text or email or video chats and online flirting is felt as infidelity or a betrayal of trust.
In all cases, a betrayal of trust involves lying and some form of deception. For many, the lying is often the most hurtful thing about the betrayal.
Recovery From an Affair or Betrayal
If you are reading this, I expect you are hurting from the discovery of some form of infidelity or betrayal and trying to understand the way forward. Some of the questions you may be struggling with are:
How could this happen to us?
Is this the end of our relationship?
Is there any way to heal from this?
If we stay together, how can I ever trust them again?
Will I always hurt over this?
Couples can heal from the pain of an affair or betrayal. I’ve accompanied many couples on the journey struggling to recover their love and connection.
This work takes time and commitment from both people. The support of a skilled and experienced therapist can help create a safe space to work through finding a way through.
Recovery doesn’t happen overnight. The good news is, it’s in your power to make it happen.
Can Therapy Help Us/Me Recover from Cheating?
As an experienced couples and individual therapist I know how to create a safe and productive environment where you can have the difficult and sensitive conversations that need to happen.
The first step is to decide whether you are willing to try to work through the hurt and guilt that you are feeling. If you decide to do the work involved in healing your relationship, some of the initial and ongoing challenges that will need to be addressed include:
- Making sense of what happened
- Asking and honestly answering tough questions
- Exploring what led to the affair
- Accepting responsibility
- Talking through complex emotions, painful thoughts and feelings
- understanding and grieving the impact the betrayal has had on the relationship
- Having open and honest conversations about rebuilding trust and how to move forward
- Addressing long standing issues that have led to disconnection
- Rebuilding connection
- Setting clear boundaries based on core needs moving into the future together

Why work with me?
I have over 14 years experience supporting couples and individuals in their journey to develop new skills and understandings to meet the challenges that building a nurturing and empowering relationship presents.
My passion is working with couples and individuals specifically on relationship issues. I have extensive experience working with couples trying to process the pain associated with infidelity and trust issues.
I’m confident in my approach to supporting couples and individuals working through trust issues because I’ve been witness to the success stories.
I’ve seen how relationships can heal and grow ever stronger, through honest, committed work, together to love better.
Find out more about my approach to relationship counselling and couples therapy and my specialist training and experience:
Frequently Asked Questions
About Relationship Counselling
There is an ever growing body of research that suggests relationship counselling, couples counselling and marriage therapy have many benefits. Following relationship counselling, couples relate improved feelings of security in their relationship, enhanced positive feelings toward each other which leads to greater cooperation in life together,alongside decreased stress and increased confidence in meeting future relationship challenges. Relationship counselling provides individuals and couples with communication skills and tools which help increase mutual understanding and empathy. This leads to less conflict and greater mutual cooperation.
Sessions are a full 60 minutes and the fee is 90 pounds.
Each individual or couple has a unique set of needs. We can discuss your needs in the free 20-minute chat or during an initial first full session.
I do not require a predetermined number of sessions or frequency for your sessions. I believe you know best how often you need to attend sessions. I’m certain you know best what you can afford to commit financially to counselling.
I work on a session by session basis. In other words,after each session, if you feel the time has been productive, we can schedule a followup session.
I am currently accepting new clients. I schedule sessions all week long, including weekends between the hours of 2pm-9pm UK time.
If you have questions you want to ask me before deciding if relationship counselling is right for you, I offer a free 20-minute counselling intro chat all week, including weekends between the hours of 2pm-9pm UK time.
I do work with individuals in a relationship where the partner is not wanting to participate. Individual sessions focus on what is important to you in making your relationship a nurturing and happy environment. We focus on what you have control over, and what change you want to see in your relationship? During the first session we spend time discussing how relationship counselling can help you get what you desire from your intimate relationships.
I believe you will know if relationship counselling is working for you early on in the process. You might begin to feel a shift, in your perspective or your partner’s perspective that will feel like an opening, perhaps some clarity, a new perspective on a way forward.
How Does Counselling for Infidelity Work?
Three simple steps to setting up your couples counselling session:
Drop me an email with a very brief description of the help you need.
I will respond within 24 hours of your email being sent, and offer some options to meet, almost always within 2–3 days, sometimes the same or next day.
We confirm your session and I email you a Zoom link for the meeting.
Need Help Talking About Infidelity?
If you are struggling to make sense of an affair or betrayal of trust and you alone or you and your partner are wanting to learn about my specialist approach to finding clarity in the midst of the pain, please do contact me and we can begin working together to help you get through this.
Book a 60 minute counselling session or
a free 20- minute counselling consultation.